Chicago Comedians Luai Hodi, Khaled Dalek (The Comic), and Jameeleh Shelo are heading to NYC this weekend to perform in the New York Arab American Comedy Festival.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19 @ 8:00 PM & 10:30 PM
The Top Arab-American comedians from across the United States join together with Arab comedians from Canada and Middle East in this All Star showcase. Featuring comedians who have appeared Comedy Central, The View, Comics Unleashed, MTV and more.
Hosted by: Eman & Aron Kader
Featuring: Mo Amer, Mike Easmeil, Aron Kader, Go Remy, Maria Shehata, Jameeleh Shelo, Khaled Dalek, Ali Al Sayed, Mike Bateyah, Luai Hodi, Eman Morgan, and Maysoon Zayid
Tickets are $25, plus 2 drink minimum.
NYAACF website: